Joy Drake / Kathy Tyler / Mary Inglis / Judy McAllister

Joy Drake

“Settings that call me to my highest and allow me to process, explore and become more present in my life are my favorite places to be. I love bringing people into inspirational spaces, helping them access their own untapped wisdom and open new pathways.”

A life-changing experience in her 20s, coupled with her commitment to be of service to the planet, led her to the Findhorn Foundation and the co-creation in 1978 of the original Game of Transformation® and the Angel® Cards – inspiring tools now beloved around the world.

Joy’s compassionate presence, her belief that every person carries within them a reservoir of incredible wisdom, and her dedication to grace-filled change, are gifts she brings to her workshops that enrich and guide her own life.

In addition to facilitating Solo Transformation Games, she offers individual mentoring sessions and innovative Soul-Weaving readings, energized by spiritual colleagues, which inspire clients to expand their authentic presence, deepen their heart skills, and develop intuitive soul care. 

Joy also leads ‘Soul Infusions’ an online course that provides practices which deepen soul resonance, illuminate new pathways that nourish who we are, and build a strong spiritual core.



Book by Joy

Soul Infusions: Weaving Our Soul’s Light Into the Fabric of Every Day

Solo Transformation Game

A facilitated Transformation Game session supports you in navigating the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual peaks and valleys of your inner landscape. The experience simulates the patterns you act from, and act out, in your life. You will get an immediate read on yourself and see clearly what is working, what is not, and what you are willing to do about it.


Duration: 3 hours minimum – full day

Price: GBP £75/hour

Soul-Weaving Sessions

Consciously weave your soul’s light into your everyday actions and be a steady anchor in a changing world.

The winds of change can blow us off course especially in difficult times, and we need to know how to breathe ourselves back on track with decisiveness and agility. Soul-Weaving offers you the opportunity to catch the currents of this time and activate new inner circuits so you can handle whatever arises with inner peace, presence and easeful readiness and resilience.

Come with an open-ended question about which you are seeking guidance. Together we create and hold a sacred space to deepen your process. After a centering attunement, I will choose cards for you from my specially created ‘inner council’ collage deck that allows subtle colleagues to share their wisdom with you so you can see what’s going on from a wider perspective. These soul tending cards are then ‘read’ by your own intuitive self connected to spirit. Then, after your initial reading, I will guide you through opportunities that arise for deeper insight and help you widen your receptivity so you can consciously weave the gifts of your original soul blueprint into your life.

A Soul-Weaving reading will help you jettison outdated baggage, strengthen your inner core, and view yourself and path of service afresh so you can move steadily forward with divine blessings and embody the soul impulse that’s seeking creative expression in your life at this time.

Duration: 2.5hr via Zoom
I offer Soul-Weaving on a ‘pay from the heart’ basis: GBP £225

Joy Drake

“Settings that call me to my highest and allow me to process, explore and become more present in my life are my favorite places to be. I love bringing people into inspirational spaces, helping them access their own untapped wisdom and open new pathways.”

A life-changing experience in her 20s, coupled with her commitment to be of service to the planet, led her to the Findhorn Foundation and the co-creation in 1978 of the original Game of Transformation® and the Angel® Cards – inspiring tools now beloved around the world.

Joy’s compassionate presence, her belief that every person carries within them a reservoir of incredible wisdom, and her dedication to grace-filled change, are gifts she brings to her workshops that enrich and guide her own life.

In addition to facilitating Solo Transformation Games, she offers individual mentoring sessions and innovative Soul-Weaving readings, energized by spiritual colleagues, which inspire clients to expand their authentic presence, deepen their heart skills, and develop intuitive soul care. 

Joy also leads ‘Soul Infusions’ an online course that provides practices which deepen soul resonance, illuminate new pathways that nourish who we are, and build a strong spiritual core.



Book by Joy

Soul Infusions: Weaving Our Soul’s Light Into the Fabric of Every Day

Solo Transformation Game

A facilitated Transformation Game session supports you in navigating the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual peaks and valleys of your inner landscape. The experience simulates the patterns you act from, and act out, in your life. You will get an immediate read on yourself and see clearly what is working, what is not, and what you are willing to do about it.


Duration: 3 hours minimum – full day

Price: GBP £75/hour

Soul-Weaving Sessions

Consciously weave your soul’s light into your everyday actions and be a steady anchor in a changing world.

The winds of change can blow us off course especially in difficult times, and we need to know how to breathe ourselves back on track with decisiveness and agility. Soul-Weaving offers you the opportunity to catch the currents of this time and activate new inner circuits so you can handle whatever arises with inner peace, presence and easeful readiness and resilience.

Come with an open-ended question about which you are seeking guidance. Together we create and hold a sacred space to deepen your process. After a centering attunement, I will choose cards for you from my specially created ‘inner council’ collage deck that allows subtle colleagues to share their wisdom with you so you can see what’s going on from a wider perspective. These soul tending cards are then ‘read’ by your own intuitive self connected to spirit. Then, after your initial reading, I will guide you through opportunities that arise for deeper insight and help you widen your receptivity so you can consciously weave the gifts of your original soul blueprint into your life.

A Soul-Weaving reading will help you jettison outdated baggage, strengthen your inner core, and view yourself and path of service afresh so you can move steadily forward with divine blessings and embody the soul impulse that’s seeking creative expression in your life at this time.

Duration: 2.5hr via Zoom
I offer Soul-Weaving on a ‘pay from the heart’ basis: GBP £225

Kathy Tyler

Kathy Tyler is the co-author of The Transformation Game®, Frameworks® Coaching Process, Frameworks for Change®, MentorSpirit® Cards, Intuitive Solutions® and the world famous original Angel® Cards first published in 1982.

She is deeply engaged with the collective evolutionary impulse as a member of the Findhorn Community and lived there from 1978 to 1986.
Kathy is currently a Trustee of the Findhorn Foundation.



Sacred Mentoring Sessions

Opening up to this sacred work is a grace, a benediction, a blessing from beyond that brings amazing experiences and opportunities into your life.
As we become more sensitive and begin to expand, we naturally seek to deepen our connection to our Higher Self or Source. This is the level of consciousness that connects us to our life-stream and takes us toward fulfillment, meaning, and contribution.
When we feel out of the ‘flow’, our nervous system is signaling us we have an imprint of trauma. It can be from a very subtle to very intense experience. And this confuses our intuitive senses.
Self-inquire is needed for this awakening and transformation. The role of a Sacred Mentor is to help you navigate and empower you to be who and what you can be, with total acceptance, support, and care. You will emerge confident, clear and committed to your spiritual path.
If you are committed to integrating and synthesizing parts of yourself that are longing for deep connection, then consider Sacred Mentoring.

Duration: 60 or 90 mins.
Cost: is $120 for 90 minutes.
Second session $90 for 60 mins.

Kathy Tyler

Kathy Tyler is the co-author of The Transformation Game®, Frameworks® Coaching Process, Frameworks for Change®, MentorSpirit® Cards, Intuitive Solutions® and the world famous original Angel® Cards first published in 1982.

She is deeply engaged with the collective evolutionary impulse as a member of the Findhorn Community and lived there from 1978 to 1986.
Kathy is currently a Trustee of the Findhorn Foundation.



Sacred Mentoring Sessions

Opening up to this sacred work is a grace, a benediction, a blessing from beyond that brings amazing experiences and opportunities into your life.
As we become more sensitive and begin to expand, we naturally seek to deepen our connection to our Higher Self or Source. This is the level of consciousness that connects us to our life-stream and takes us toward fulfillment, meaning, and contribution.
When we feel out of the ‘flow’, our nervous system is signaling us we have an imprint of trauma. It can be from a very subtle to very intense experience. And this confuses our intuitive senses.
Self-inquire is needed for this awakening and transformation. The role of a Sacred Mentor is to help you navigate and empower you to be who and what you can be, with total acceptance, support, and care. You will emerge confident, clear and committed to your spiritual path.
If you are committed to integrating and synthesizing parts of yourself that are longing for deep connection, then consider Sacred Mentoring.

Duration: 60 or 90 mins.
Cost: is $120 for 90 minutes.
Second session $90 for 60 mins.

Mary Inglis

Mary Inglis has been involved with the Transformation Game® since 1976 and is Managing Director, Education Director & partner of InnerLinks UK.
She works internationally with designing and delivering seminars and facilitator trainings for the Transformation Game® and Frameworks® for Change, as well as with other approaches to personal and spiritual development, and to partnering with the subtle dimensions of earth and spirit.
Mary’s work encourages people to connect with their whole selves, and with the unique presence and contribution they bring. She has lived in the Findhorn Community for over 50 years.
She served for 15 years as a Trustee of the Foundation, and is a Findhorn Fellow.



Mary Inglis

Mary Inglis has been involved with the Transformation Game® since 1976 and is Managing Director, Education Director & partner of InnerLinks UK.
She works internationally with designing and delivering seminars and facilitator trainings for the Transformation Game® and Frameworks® for Change, as well as with other approaches to personal and spiritual development, and to partnering with the subtle dimensions of earth and spirit.
Mary’s work encourages people to connect with their whole selves, and with the unique presence and contribution they bring. She has lived in the Findhorn Community for over 50 years.
She served for 15 years as a Trustee of the Foundation, and is a Findhorn Fellow.



Judy McAllister

Transformation Game Facilitator / Transformation Game Trainer / Frameworks Coaching Process Trainer



Judy McAllister

Transformation Game Facilitator / Transformation Game Trainer / Frameworks Coaching Process Trainer




©1981-2024 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks.

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