Angel of the Month

Angel of Awakening for March

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Angel of March is Awakening
Inspirational Message 

Let the sun illuminate parts of you that are dormant, numb, or forgotten. Rub the sleep from your eyes and welcome the new dawn.
We are being challenged to navigate turbulent waters. A spiritual awakening is a profound and transformative experience that involves a shift in consciousness and perception.
It often comes as a deep realization of the interconnectedness of all things, a heightened sense of awareness, and a deeper understanding of one's true self and purpose in life.
It can be described as an inner realization of one's true nature and connection to a higher or transcendent reality. While the experience may vary from person to person, there are some common characteristics of a spiritual awakening.
It is not that something that was not there is now manifest. It is more like becoming cognizant of the presence of something that has always been there and known to be there, but forgotten.
When one awakens and realizes the true state of affairs, there can often be a deep inner disturbance that arrises. We realize a large part of our identities have been sculpted by our parents, teachers, friends, and how we want others to see us.
We have carried this as our reference point of who we are; the person we normally take ourselves to be - preoccupied with its goals, fears, desires, and issues.
Beneath the surface is a deep and vast Authentic Self, but its presence is usually veiled by the noise of the smaller 'I' with its needs and demands. This cnfusion between the small self and larger Self is at the core of the illusion of the human condition, and penetrating this mirage is what awakening is all about.
Before recognizing greater realities that are more extensive and multidimensional, it is a good idea to first learn to handle our own energy and be accountable for the consequences and results of our thoughts and emotions.
Because, as we awaken, they automatically and immediately are translated into action.
For us to successfully create a new paradigm world in the midst of the current planetary chaos, we must discover a more light filled and inclusive approach to everyday life. By deep listening and acting on what feels like intuition, we can correct and refine our alignment to the instinctual impulses of our Authentic Self.
Invoke your Divine Presence with the intention to allow dormant memories deep within to stir and heal key obstacles to your wakefulness. Ask for an energetic opening to remember your True Self - with such certainty that you will never forget again.
May the emanations of the Angel of Awakening fill your month ahead. May you remember your origin and welcome the new dawn.
Kathy Tyler
P.S. If you worked with the Angel of Release in February, take a few moments to release it with your gratitude before welcoming the Angel of Awakening into your life for the month of March. 
©1981-2025 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks.
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Angel of Month Meditation for March
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Join by Zoom
Saturday, March 1st at 6-7pm, UK time
Now you can connect to the Angel of the Month even more powerfully by joining this unique meditation and wisdom from the Angel of the Month. 
Saturday, March 1st,
 6-7pm UK time on Zoom.
Personal Deepening Process with 
Co-Creator of the Angel® Cards, Kathy Tyler

Working in various ways with the Original Angel Cards® is one of the most powerful ways to connect with the angels. Angels are inner companions that help us look at the world in ways that infuse our lives with vitality and assist us to experience the deepest levels of understanding, creativity, and caring. Each angel quality evokes your intuitive abilities and renews your spiritual connection.

This is a unique opportunity to work with Kathy and the Angel of the Month in this way. The Original Angel Cards® offer you the opportunity to meet one of 72 Angels. Each Angel can help you to focus on a particular aspect of your inner life from a fresh perspective.
The hour-long event will include:
• A guided meditation with the Angel of the Month 
• Time to reflect on the Angel quality
• Receive your personal guidance from the Angel
• Kathy will pick an Insight Card for you to work with during the month, along with the Angel quality
• There will be time for Findhorn-style sharing
• The event will be recorded so you can so you can watch this again at your leisure

The ticket price is £5, suggested donations are £5-£50 but have no upper limit and every contribution is gratefully received. Your donation will go towards the rebuilding of the new Light of Findhorn Sanctuary.
If you cannot attend the event live online and would like to receive the recording, then please book a ticket and you will receive a recording after the event.

Kathy Tyler is the co-author of The Transformation Game®, 
Intuitive Solutions® and the world famous original international best selling Angel® Cards first published in 1982, in many languages allowing millions of people to connect to the Angels worldwide.

Kathy is deeply engaged with the collective evolutionary impulse as a member of the Findhorn Community. She is currently a Trustee of the Findhorn Foundation and is the Sanctuary Advisor and Project Coordinator.
The Game of Transformation at Findhorn EcoVillage
  Mark you calendar for next year dates:
Summer Game - June 23-27, 2025
New Year Game - Dec.29, 2025 - Jan. 2, 2026

5-day residential workshops at the heart of Findhorn Ecovillage

Centred around a circular board symbolising each player’s world, this Game offers a playful yet substantial way of understanding and transforming key life issues.
As you move along your ‘life path’, you gain wider perspectives on your particular patterns and attitudes, recognise your strengths, review and resolve challenges, and explore new possibilities.
Many of the squares and cards ask you to exercise initiative and imagination, to share on a deeply personal level and to make your own choices and decisions – just like life!
With two skilled guides and only five players, this is a wonderful opportunity to receive a high degree of masterful attention and make a quantum leap into greater wholeness.
This workshop is a powerful springboard for personal and spiritual growth and development valuable at any stage of one’s life journey.
A reasonable working knowledge of English is required for this programme.

Read more here
Sacred Mentoring Sessions
See life from a mystical perspective
                                             We all need clarity of our sacred intentions as we navigate these challenging times.
Schedule now - 
Opening up to this sacred work is a grace, a benediction, a blessing from beyond that brings amazing experiences and opportunities into your life.
As we become more sensitive and begin to expand, we naturally seek to deepen our connection to our Higher Self or Source. This is the level of consciousness that connects us to our life-stream and takes us toward fulfillment, meaning, and contribution.
When we feel out of the 'flow', our nervous system is signaling us we have an imprint of trauma. It can be from a very subtle to very intense experience.  And this confuses our intuitive senses.
Self-inquire is needed for this awakening and transformation. The role of a Sacred Mentor is to help you navigate and empower you to be who and what you can be, with total acceptance, support, and care. You will emerge confident, clear and committed to your spiritual path.
If you are committed to integrating and synthesizing parts of yourself that are longing for deep connection, then consider Sacred Mentoring.
If you want to start aligning to the 'Presence' that is seeking to manifest through your heart - email now!!!
Sessions are 60 or 90 mins.
Cost is £75 ($90) or £90 ($120)
Sessions by Zoom, What’s App, or FaceTime.
For more information email
Soul-Weaving Adventures!
Spiritual Companionship and Precise Insights
The winds of uncertainty and change can blow us off course especially in difficult times, and we need to know how to breathe ourselves back on track with decisiveness and agility.
A Soul-Weaving session offers you the opportunity to activate new inner circuits so you can handle whatever arises with inner peace, presence and easeful readiness and resilience
Come with an open-ended question about which you are seeking guidance. Together we create and hold a sacred space to deepen your process. After a centering attunement, I will choose cards for you from my specially created 'inner council’ collage deck that allows subtle colleagues to share their wisdom with you so you can see what’s going on from a wider perspective. 
These soul tending cards are then ‘read' by your own intuitive self connected to spirit. Then, after your initial reading, I will guide you through opportunities that arise for deeper insight and help you widen your receptivity so you can consciously weave the gifts of your original soul blueprint into your life.
A session will give you a spiritual boost and help you connect with fresh and creative ways of thinking about your issue. It will allow more space for intuitive promptings, for you to know and trust yourself in a deeper way, and for your next steps to be revealed. 
Sessions are 2.5 hrs. via Zoom.
Cost: £225 (or $285)
For more information email
With loving companionship on the path,
Joy Drake
"Image credit: Sunrise Panel woven by Findhorn Weaving Studio”
In This Issue:
Inspirational Message 
Angel of Month Meditation for March
The Game of Transformation at Findhorn EcoVillage
Sacred Mentoring SessionsSee life from a mystical perspective
Soul-Weaving Adventures!Spiritual Companionship and Precise Insights
Transformation Game Findhorn
For more information: InnerLinks Associates
InnerLinks, UK
+44 (0)1309 690-992
©1981-2024 InnerLinks Transformation Game® and the ANGEL® Cards are registered trademarks of Drake & Tyler

©1981-2024 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks.


©1981-2024 InnerLinks Angel® Cards is a registered trademark of InnerLinks.

For further information, please contct the training organiser

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