Intuitive Solutions App

Intuitive Solutions App

Love it! A good process to inspire new idea and action for life!
Intuitive Solutions® is another extended product of Transformation Game family. This is the first time to introduce it electronically as an APP. Life decks of Transformation Game are available anytime and anywhere with a built-in coaching process here.

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A Tool For Inspired Action

Intuitive Solutions © (IS) Process provides a quick and simple method for reflecting upon challenging situations and pinpointing factors and resources that impact it. By working with this process, you can gain immediate insight into your situation, become aware of subtle dynamics underlying it, and discover steps you can take to improve your inventiveness, effectiveness, and satisfaction.

We live in a time of unprecedented change. In order to navigate rapid changes successfully, we need to shift focus from the difficulties generated by change to the solutions we are able to create and the new directions we are willing to implement.

The Intuitive Solutions provides an opportunity to pause, examine, and question what is coming up in your life, and communicate thoughts, ideas, perceptions, attitudes, assumptions, feelings, expectations, fears, passions, hopes, dreams, and aspirations around a chosen issue. Things are changing so rapidly that our interactions and impact on others can be glossed over or lost in the busyness of our life. The IS is a time for personal reflection and re-evaluation.

Three features

  1. [Cards to go] Intuitive Solution® applies three life decks of Transformation Game® in two spreads in which connect you to intuition and inspiring new actions for life.
  2. [Coach to go] The built-in dialogue facilitates you through a deep and inspiring process step by step.
  3. [Life journal] The history keeps all records according to the timeline and categories This provides a good opportunity to reflect on your unique life journey, and the best way to record personal growth path. This will bring you another new perspective of life.

Two functions

1. Intuitive Solution

Spend 15+ minutes to explore deeply through six steps: 1) Focus-2) Key insight-3) Possible setback-4) Resource insight-5) Bridging Angel-6) Action plan. This process will provide opportunities for personal reflection and re-evaluation of life challenge and inspire new actions.

2. Insight X Angel Now

Spend 5+ minutes for instant inspiration. It only takes two steps to connect to insight and angel. You can apply this process every morning, before a meeting, or any moment when you need an inspiration and support.


  • The process of Insight X Angel Now is simple and easy to be engaged. The way to interact with these two cards makes this process more fun. I was inspired and encouraged to go on and make some change in the future!
  • Every morning I like to use Insight X Angel Now to remind myself about what may happen today. And I would reflect on it whenever I fell needed during the day. This helps me to think differently about what happened, and it feels good being supported by Insight and Angel.
  • Intuitive Solution helped me to think about life issues in the way that I never thought before and made me realize spontaneously: Oh, that’s the way it is! Or: Yes, I can do that! Suddenly I had a different perspective on the issue. The action plan came to my mind is out of my surprise. That helped me find new ways to face to different issues in my life and motivated me to achieve my goal.
  • After completing an Intuitive Solution for some time, when I review the record again, I have deeper thoughts and feelings about things happened in this period of time. This helps me to reevaluated the situation in a deeper level and see how much I had been changed! I am very grateful for myself!