Over the years, we have developed various versions of the Transformation Game.
You choose a purpose, the game shows on the path
The Transformation Game® illuminates patterns, offers insights towards new directions, and supports change and transformation. The in-depth journey is marked with realizations, obstacles, angels, and miracles. Gain awareness and heal pain as you advance through physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms.
It’s an effective way to clarify important issues, resolve conflicts, and creatively enhance relationships.
The box version can be experienced with up to 4 friends following the instructions that comes in the box, without the presence of an accredited facilitator to conduct the Game.
The Advanced version is conducted by an InnerLinks Accredited Facilitator who has been trained to apply the rules of the advanced manual, promoting a deeper experience with the participants. It can be experienced from 2 to 6 players.
Only an InnerLinks Accredited Facilitator can apply the Solo Version (for 1 player) with the appropriate rules in the Advanced Manual.
This version charts an individual path, providing clarity on the personal issue and discovering the resources needed to move forward with clear vision and greater knowledge.
The duration of a Solo Version Game lasts from 3 to 5 hours with an Accredited Facilitator.
Get in touch with our local representative from the International Hubs network. If there isn’t one in your area, email
A step by step guide for playing the Game with your friends, family, colleagues, or by yourself.

The Original Version of The Transformation Game differs from the box game that you may know in that it is more complex and multi-levelled. Centred around a circular board symbolising each player’s world, the Game offers a playful yet substantial way of understanding and transforming key life issues.
As you move along your ‘life path’, exploring your intention on seven levels, you gain wider perspectives on your particular patterns and attitudes, recognise your strengths, review and resolve challenges, and explore new possibilities. Many of the squares and cards require you to exercise initiative and imagination, to share on a deeply personal level and to make your own choices and decisions – just like life!
With two skilled guides and only five players this is a wonderful opportunity to receive a high degree of masterful attention and make a quantum leap into greater wholeness. This workshop is a powerful springboard for spiritual growth and development that is valuable at any stage of your life journey.
This experience can last from 4 until 7 days.

The Global Transformation Game can be played online with more than 40 people with a duration from 4 to 7 days.

The Planetary Game is an expanded original version of the Transformation Game that allows more than 100 participants to experience this collective experience, lasting 7 days.
It is a sacred theater that provides a multidimensional environment where matters of personal and planetary interest are worked to be seen with clarity and, therefore, bringing insight and healing, serving as an anchor for renewed hope and a new vision of life.

The Frameworks Coaching Process (FCP) is a simple and valuable method for creatively exploring innovative solutions to challenging situations in the workplace. This revolutionary coaching tool allows you to work with clients in a quick, deep, and impactful way.
You can use the FCP to help your clients:
- Learn how to apply intuition to their decision-making process
- Discover new strategies to solve persistent problems
- Examine beliefs and identify values
- Generate creative individual and group solutions
- Improve team communications and collaboration
- Build on individual and organizational strengths and values
- Manage difficult changes and challenges
- Learn ways to sustain individual and organizational performance improvement
- Realize the benefits of personal accountability
- Align individual and group values
- Accelerate the creative process for bringing ideas to market
- Shorten the cycle for generating new streams of revenue
We live in a time of unprecedented change. In order to navigate rapid changes successfully, we need to shift focus from the difficulties generated by change to the solutions we are able to create and the new directions we are willing to implement.
Intuition is everyone’s natural gift; a powerful resource that assimilates data beyond our logic for greater creative decision-making. In a culture that stresses the importance of analytical thinking, people sometimes forget that they have this inner source of wisdom and insight. Whether searching for solutions, looking for new directions, or seeking clarity of vision, the FCP will help your clients reevaluate and reframe their decision making process to include their intuitive sense.
In a group setting the FCP provides a creative forum for teams to take a closer look at current challenges, generate solutions for implementing constructive change, and explore new ways of moving forward. The process rapidly identifies cognitive, behavioral, or attitudinal factors that are promoting or impeding team progress. The method encourages individuals to communicate clearly and directly, practice active listening skills, and develop tolerance, respect, and empathy for one another. It reinforces important personal values and encourages teams to model them in their workplace.
The FCP, originated by Kathy Tyler and Joy Drake of InnerLinks Associates, consists of three sets of cards designed to uncover and pinpoint key factors and resources impacting the client’s view of any issue. Clients randomly choose cards with a clearly framed intent. The FCP instantaneously identifies underlying dynamics and stimulates their intuitive capabilities revealing creative solutions.
Developed originally as part of the Frameworks for Change simulation, the FCP is a stand-alone coaching tool you can use with individual clients or in small groups. While the FCP cannot make the changes for clients, it can support them in expressing their creativity, imagination, and power to make choices that will help them achieve their desired outcome. Clients gain immediate insight, encouraging them to make decisions in harmony with their values and integrity. They can then develop an action plan to improve their effectiveness, productivity, and satisfaction.
InnerLinks Associates offers certification training in the Frameworks Coaching Process for coaches, consultants, trainers, leaders, and professionals who want to expand their facilitation, tools, and skills using this model. The training covers step-by-step instructions for using the FCP with clients and explores a variety of applications.
The Transformation Game® are available in various languages.